#3 |
API - Table of Contents |
#5 |
Search System Directory
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Office API:
** QOKSCHD Search system Searches system directory based
** directory on input search criteria(s) and
** returns the requested user in-
** formation for the found entries.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The API input parameters are initialized
** 2. The search directory API is called
** 3. If an error occurred calling the API or
** no entry is found blanks are returned to
** the caller
** 4. If an entry is found the requested SMTP-
** address is retrieved, formatted and
** returned to the caller
** Parameters:
** PxUser INPUT User-id of the directory entry searched.
** Determined by the presence of the second
** parameter this can be both a user profile
** name and the first part of the system
** directory entry user identifier.
** The special value *CURRENT will be replaced
** by the job's current user profile name.
** PxAddr INPUT The address qualifier of the directory
** entry searched.
** Return- OUTPUT The formatted SMTP-address of the system
** value directory entry specified by the input
** parameter(s).
** If no matching entry was found or an error
** occurred blanks are returned to the caller.
** Programmer's note:
** The system directory SMTP-name can be maintained using the command
** WRKDIRE USRPRF( userprofile-name ) then selecting change - option 2
** - followed by F19.
** Compile options:
** MODULE( CBX005 )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H NoMain Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- System Info Data Structure: ---------------------------------------**
D PgmSts SDs
D PsJobUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
D PsCurUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
**-- Get user SMTP address: --------------------------------------------**
D GetSmtpAddr Pr 321a
D PxUser 10a
D PxAddr 8a Options( *NoPass )
**-- Get user SMTP address: --------------------------------------------**
P GetSmtpAddr B Export
D Pi 321a
D PxUser 10a
D PxAddr 8a Options( *NoPass )
**-- API error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPrv 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- Search directory parameters: --------------------------------------**
D Sreq0100 Ds
D SrCcsId 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D SrChrSet 10i 0 Inz
D SrCodPag 10i 0 Inz
D SrWldCrd 4a Inz
D SrCvtRcv 1a Inz( '0' )
D SrSchDta 1a Inz( '0' )
D SrRunVfy 1a Inz( '1' )
D SrConHdl 1a Inz( '0' )
D SrRscHdl 16a Inz
D SrSrqFmt 8a Inz( 'SREQ0101' )
D SrSrqOfs 10i 0 Inz( 110 )
D SrSrqNbrElm 10i 0 Inz
D SrRtnFmt 8a Inz( 'SREQ0103' )
D SrRtnOfs 10i 0 Inz( 100 )
D SrRtnNbrElm 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D SrRcvFmt 8a Inz( 'SRCV0101' )
D SrRcvNbrElm 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D SrUsrFmt 8a Inz( 'SRCV0111' )
D SrOrdFmt 8a Inz
D SrOrdRtnOpt 1a Inz( '0' )
D 3a
D Sr0103 Like( Sreq0103 )
D Sr0101 Like( Sreq0101 )
D Sreq0101 Ds Inz
D S1Entry Dim( 2 )
D S1EntLen 10i 0 Inz( %Size( S1Entry ))
D Overlay( S1Entry: 1 )
D S1CmpVal 1a Inz( '1' )
D Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D S1FldNam 10a Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D S1PrdId 7a Inz( '*IBM' )
D Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D S1DtaCas 1a Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D 1a Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D S1ValLen 10i 0 Inz( %Size( S1ValMtc ))
D Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D S1ValMtc 10a Overlay( S1Entry: *Next )
D Sreq0103 Ds
D S3SpcRtn 10a Inz( '*SMTP' )
D Srcv0100 Ds 32767
D R00BytRtn 10i 0
D R00OrdFldOfs 10i 0
D R00UsrEntOfs 10i 0
D R00DirEntNbr 10i 0
D R00ConHdl 1a
D R00RscHdl 16a
D R00UsrMtcAry Like( Srcv0101 )
D Srcv0101 Ds Based( pSrcv0101 )
D R01UsrDtaLen 10i 0
D R01RtnNbrFld 10i 0
D Srcv0111 Ds Based( pSrcv0111 )
D R11FldNam 10a
D R11PrdId 7a
D 3a
D R11CcsId 10i 0
D R11CodPag 10i 0
D R11RtnFldLen 10i 0
D Srcv0111v Ds Based( pSrcv0111v )
D R11RtnFld 256a
**-- Local constanst & variables: --------------------------------------**
D SmtpDmn s 256a Varying
D SmtpUsrId s 64a Varying
D At c '@'
**-- Search directory: -------------------------------------------------**
D SchDir Pr Extpgm( 'QOKSCHD' )
D SdRcvVar Like( Srcv0100)
D SdRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D SdFmtNam 8a Const
D SdFunction 10a Const
D SdKeepTmpRsc 1a Const
D SdRqsVar Const Like( Sreq0100 )
D SdRqsVarLen 10i 0 Const
D SdRqsFmtNam 8a Const
D SdError 8a
**-- Get SMTP address: -------------------------------------------------**
C If PxUser = '*CURRENT'
C Eval PxUser = PsCurUsr
C EndIf
C If %Parms = 1
C Eval SrSrqNbrElm = 1
C Eval S1ValMtc(1) = PxUser
C Eval S1FldNam(1) = 'USER '
C Else
C Eval SrSrqNbrElm = 2
C Eval S1ValMtc(1) = PxUser
C Eval S1ValMtc(2) = PxAddr
C Eval S1FldNam(1) = 'USRID '
C Eval S1FldNam(2) = 'USRADDR'
C EndIf
C Eval Sr0103 = Sreq0103
C Eval Sr0101 = Sreq0101
C Callp SchDir( Srcv0100
C : %size( Srcv0100 )
C : 'SRCV0100'
C : '0'
C : Sreq0100
C : %Size( Sreq0100 )
C : 'SREQ0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > 0 Or
C R00DirEntNbr = 0
C Return *Blanks
C Else
C Eval pSrcv0101 = %Addr( Srcv0100 ) +
C R00UsrEntOfs
C Eval pSrcv0111 = pSrcv0101 +
C %Size( Srcv0101 )
C Do R01RtnNbrFld
C Eval pSrcv0111v = pSrcv0111 +
C %Size( Srcv0111 )
C Select
C When R11FldNam = 'SMTPUSRID'
C Eval SmtpUsrId = %Subst( R11RtnFld
C : 1
C : R11RtnFldLen )
C When R11FldNam = 'SMTPDMN'
C Eval SmtpDmn = %Subst( R11RtnFld
C : 1
C : R11RtnFldLen )
C EndSl
C Eval pSrcv0111 = pSrcv0111 +
C %Size( Srcv0111 ) +
C R11RtnFldLen
C EndDo
C Return SmtpUsrId + At + SmtpDmn
C EndIf
P GetSmtpAddr E
And the CL:
/* */
/* Program function: Break handling exit program */
/* */
/* Program summary: */
/* Receives messages from a monitored message queue as they */
/* arrive. The SMTP-address of the current job user is then */
/* retrieved from the system directory. */
/* */
/* If an SMTP-address is found the incoming message will be */
/* forwarded to that address and subsequently removed from */
/* the message queue. */
/* */
/* To notify the user of the event the message text is also */
/* sent as a status message appearing at the bottom of the */
/* current screen. */
/* */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* MsgQ INPUT Name of the message queue receiving */
/* the message. */
/* */
/* MsgQlib INPUT The name of the library containing */
/* the message queue. */
/* */
/* MsgKey INPUT The message reference key of the */
/* message received. */
/* */
/* */
/* Activation of break message handling: */
/* CHGMSGQ MSGQ( message-queue-name ) */
/* DLVRY( *BREAK ) */
/* PGM( CBX005I *ALWRPY ) */
/* */
/* */
/* Compile options: */
/* SRCMBR( CBX005CL ) */
/* DBGVIEW( *LIST ) */
/* */
/* CRTPGM PGM( CBX005I ) */
/* MODULE( CBX005CL ) */
/* BNDSRVPGM( CBX005 ) */
/* */
Pgm ( &MsgQ &MsgQlib &MsgKey )
/*-- Parameters: --*/
Dcl &MsgQ *Char 10
Dcl &MsgQlib *Char 10
Dcl &MsgKey *Char 4
/*-- Global variables: --*/
Dcl &Msg *Char 512
Dcl &MsgId *Char 7
Dcl &Sev *Dec ( 2 0 )
Dcl &Sender *Char 80
Dcl &RtnType *Char 2
Dcl &SndUser *Char 10
Dcl &SmtpAddr *Char 64
Dcl &ToCallStkE *Char 38
Dcl &ErrorFlag *Lgl 1 '0'
/*-- Global error monitoring: --------------------------------------*/
MonMsg CPF0000 *None GoTo EndPgm
/*-- Receive message and keep on queue: --*/
RcvMsg MsgQ( &MsgQlib/&MsgQ ) +
MsgKey( &MsgKey ) +
Rmv( *NO ) +
Msg( &Msg ) +
MsgId( &MsgId ) +
Sev( &Sev ) +
Sender( &Sender ) +
RtnType( &RtnType )
/*-- Get SMTP-address: --*/
CallPrc GetSmtpAddr Parm( '*CURRENT ' ) +
RtnVal( &SmtpAddr )
If ( &SmtpAddr > ' ' ) Do
/*-- Retrieve sender user-id: --*/
ChgVar &SndUser %Sst( &Sender 11 10 )
/*-- Send message to SMTP-address and remove from queue: --*/
SndDst Type( *LMSG ) +
ToIntNet(( &SmtpAddr )) +
DstD( &MsgQ *Tcat ':' *Bcat +
%SSt( &Msg 1 32 )) +
LongMsg( ':/N' *Bcat +
'Sending user . . :' *Bcat +
&SndUser *Bcat +
':/N' *Bcat +
'Target queue . . :' *Bcat +
&MsgQ *Bcat +
':/P' *Bcat +
'Message text . . :' *Bcat +
&Msg )
RmvMsg MsgQ( &MsgQlib/&MsgQ ) +
MsgKey( &MsgKey ) +
Clear( *BYKEY )
/*-- Send message to bottom of screen: --*/
SndPgmMsg MsgId( CPF9897 ) +
MsgDta( &Msg ) +
ToPgmQ( *EXT ) +
MsgType( *STATUS )
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
QGYOLJOB - Open list of jobs
QGYCTLE - Get list entries
QGYCLST - Close list
QWVRCSTK - Retrieve Call Stack
** Description : Finds interactive CPU hogs and notifies caller
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Work management APIs:
** QGYOLJOB Open list of jobs Lists jobs on the system based on
** the specified selection criteria.
** Optionally a sort order for the
** returned jobs can be specified -
** in this case the processor unit
** time percentage in descending
** order - listing the jobs having
** the highest CPU usage first.
** The CPU processor time is measured
** for an interval of 10 seconds in
** this example.
** The QGYOLJOB API is found in the
** QGY library as are all other open
** list APIs.
** QWVRCSTK Retrieve Call Stack Lists the program call stack for
** the specified job or thread.
** The current invocation level is
** returned first.
** Message handling API:
** QMHSNDM Send message Sends a message to the specified
** non-program message queue - here
** an informational message is sent
** to the current user running this
** program.
** Open list APIs:
** QGYGTLE Get list entries To retrieve open lists entries
** from an already open list the
** QGYGTLE (Get List Entries) API
** is available.
** QGYCLST Close list This API closes the previously
** opened list identified by the
** request handle parameter.
** Storage allocated is freed.
** MI builtins:
** _MATRMD Materialize resource Retrieves processor utilization
** management data data - interactive processor time
** limit.
** _MEMMOVE Copy memory Copies a string from one pointer
** specified location to another.
** Unix Type - Signal APIs:
** Sleep Suspends program processing for
** the specified number of seconds.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The interactive processor time limit percentage is retrieved
** 2. The list jobs API input parameters are initialized
** 3. The open list of jobs API is called to reset the job
** statistics.
** 4. Program is suspended for 10 seconds
** 5. The open list of jobs API is called to list the interactive
** jobs on the system returning the most CPU intensive jobs
** for the elapsed period first.
** 6. For each job having used more than 50 % of the available
** interactive processor resources a message is sent to the
** message queue of the user currently running the program.
** If no jobs are exceeding the above CPU limit a completion
** message is sent, specifying the interactive job having the
** highest CPU utilization.
** 7. The job list resources are cleaned up.
** Programmer's notes:
** Earliest release program will run: V5R1
** As mentioned above library QGY must be in the job library list
** to succesfully run this program.
** To retrieve another job's call stack *JOBCTL special authority is
** required.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX102 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX102 )
** Module( CBX102 )
**-- Control spec: -----------------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt ) DecEdit( *JobRun ) BndDir( 'QC2LE' )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PgmSts SDs
D PsPgmNam *Proc
D PsSts 5a Overlay( PgmSts: 11 )
D PsCurJob 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 244 )
D PsUsrPrf 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
D PsJobNbr 6a Overlay( PgmSts: 264 )
D PsCurUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
**-- API error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPrv 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0
D AeExcpId 7a
D 1a
D AeExcpDta 128a
**-- API parameters: ---------------------------------------------------**
D JlRtnRcdNbr s 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D JlNbrFldRtn s 10i 0 Inz( %Elem( JlKeyFld ))
D JlKeyFld s 10i 0 Dim( 3 )
**-- Job information:
D JlJobInf Ds 512
D JbJobId 26a
D JbJobUsd 10a Overlay( JbJobId: 1 )
D JbUsrUsd 10a Overlay( JbJobId: *Next )
D JbNbrUsd 6a Overlay( JbJobId: *Next )
D JbActSts 4a
D JbJobTyp 1a
D JbJobSubTyp 1a
D JbDtaLen 10i 0
D 4a
D JbDta 256a
**-- Key information:
D JlKeyInf Ds
D KiFldNbrRtn 10i 0
D KiKeyInf 20a Dim( %Elem( JlKeyFld ))
D KiFldInfLen 10i 0 Overlay( KiKeyInf : 1 )
D KiKeyFld 10i 0 Overlay( KiKeyInf : 5 )
D KiDtaTyp 1a Overlay( KiKeyInf : 9 )
D 3a Overlay( KiKeyInf : 10 )
D KiDtaLen 10i 0 Overlay( KiKeyInf : 13 )
D KiDtaOfs 10i 0 Overlay( KiKeyInf : 17 )
**-- Sort information:
D JlSrtInf Ds
D SiNbrKeys 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D SiSrtInf 12a Dim( 10 )
D SiKeyFldOfs 10i 0 Overlay( SiSrtInf : 1 )
D SiKeyFldLen 10i 0 Overlay( SiSrtInf : 5 )
D SiKeyFldTyp 5i 0 Overlay( SiSrtInf : 9 )
D SiSrtOrd 1a Overlay( SiSrtInf : 11 )
D SiRsv 1a Overlay( SiSrtInf : 12 )
**-- List information:
D JlLstInf Ds
D LiRcdNbrTot 10i 0
D LiRcdNbrRtn 10i 0
D LiHandle 4a
D LiRcdLen 10i 0
D LiInfSts 1a
D LiDts 13a
D LiLstSts 1a
D 1a
D LiInfLen 10i 0
D LiRcd1 10i 0
D 40a
**-- Selection information:
D JlSltInf Ds
D SiJobNam 10a Inz( '*ALL' )
D SiUsrNam 10a Inz( '*ALL' )
D SiJobNbr 6a Inz( '*ALL' )
D SiJobTyp 1a Inz( 'I' )
D 1a
D SiOfsPriSts 10i 0 Inz( 60 )
D SiNbrPriSts 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D SiOfsActSts 10i 0 Inz( 70 )
D SiNbrActSts 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D SiOfsJbqSts 10i 0 Inz( 78 )
D SiNbrJbqSts 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D SiOfsJbqNam 10i 0 Inz( 88 )
D SiNbrJbqNam 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D SiPriSts 10a Dim( 1 )
D SiActSts 4a Dim( 2 )
D SiJbqSts 10a Dim( 1 )
D SiJbqNam 20a Dim( 1 )
**-- Job information key fields:
D JbKeyDta Ds
D JbPrcUniTim 20u 0
D JbPrcUniPct 9b 1
D JbPrcUniTimE 20u 0
**-- General return data:
D JlGenDta Ds
D GdBytRtn 10i 0
D GdBytAvl 10i 0
D GdElpTim 20u 0
D 16a
**-- MatRmd parameters: ------------------------------------------------**
D MatRscMgDt Ds
D RdBytPrv 10i 0 Inz( %Size( MatRscMgDt ))
D RdBytAvl 10i 0
D RdTimDay 8a
D RdData
D RdPrcTimIpl 20u 0 Overlay( RdData: 1 )
D RdPrcTimScWl 20u 0 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimDb 20u 0 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimDbTh 5u 0 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimDbLm 5u 0 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdRsv1 10u 0 Inz( x'00' )
D Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimInt 20u 0 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimIntT 4b 1 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdPrcTimIntL 4b 1 Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D RdRsv2 10u 0 Inz( x'00' )
D Overlay( RdData: *Next )
D MatCtlDta Ds
D CdSltOpt 1a Inz( x'01' )
D CdRsv 7a Inz( *Allx'00' )
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D Ix s 5i 0
D CpuLvl s 5i 0
D PgmNam s 10a
D MsgDta s 256a Varying
D MsgKey s 4a
**-- API constants: ----------------------------------------------------**
**-- Open list of jobs: ------------------------------------------------**
D LstJobs Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYOLJOB' )
D LjRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D LjRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D LjFmtNam 8a Const
D LjRcvVarDfn 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D LjRcvDfnLen 10i 0 Const
D LjLstInf 80a
D LjNbrRcdRtn 10i 0 Const
D LjSrtInf 1024a Const Options( *VarSize )
D LjJobSltInf 1024a Const Options( *VarSize )
D LjJobSltLen 10i 0 Const
D LjNbrFldRtn 10i 0 Const
D LjKeyFldRtn 10i 0 Const Options( *VarSize ) Dim( 32 )
D LjError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
D LjJobSltFmt 8a Const Options( *NoPass )
D LjResStc 1a Const Options( *NoPass )
D LjGenRtnDta 32a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
D LjGenRtnDtaLn 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Get list entry: ---------------------------------------------------**
D GetLstEnt Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYGTLE' )
D GlRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D GlRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D GlHandle 4a Const
D GlLstInf 80a
D GlNbrRcdRtn 10i 0 Const
D GlRtnRcdNbr 10i 0 Const
D GlError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Close list: -------------------------------------------------------**
D CloseLst Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYCLST' )
D ClHandle 4a Const
D ClError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Send message: -----------------------------------------------------**
D SndMsg Pr ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDM' )
D SmMsgId 7a Const
D SmMsgFq 20a Const
D SmMsgDta 512a Const Options( *VarSize )
D SmMsgDtaLen 10i 0 Const
D SmMsgTyp 10a Const
D SmMsgQq 1000a Const Options( *VarSize )
D SmMsgQnbr 10i 0 Const
D SmMsgQrpy 20a Const
D SmMsgKey 4a
D SmError 10i 0 Const
D SmCcsId 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Copy memory: ------------------------------------------------------**
D memcpy Pr * ExtProc( '_MEMMOVE' )
D outmem * Value
D inpmem * Value
D memsiz 10u 0 Value
**-- Delay job: --------------------------------------------------------**
D sleep Pr 10i 0 ExtProc( 'sleep' )
D seconds 10u 0 Value
**-- Get top stack entry: ----------------------------------------------**
D GetTopStkE Pr 20a
D GtJobId 26a Const
**-- Materialize resource management data: -----------------------------**
D MatRmd Pr ExtProc( '_MATRMD' )
D Rcv Like( MatRscMgDt )
D Ctl Like( MatCtlDta )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
**-- Get interactive processor time limit:
C Callp(e) MatRmd( MatRscMgDt: MatCtlDta )
C If %Error
C Eval RdPrcTimIntL= 100
C EndIf
**-- Job information return fields:
C Eval JlKeyFld(1) = 312
C Eval JlKeyFld(2) = 314
C Eval JlKeyFld(3) = 315
**-- Sort field specification:
C Eval SiNbrKeys = 1
C Eval SiKeyFldOfs(1) = 49
C Eval SiKeyFldLen(1) = 4
C Eval SiKeyFldTyp(1) = 0
C Eval SiSrtOrd(1) = '2'
C Eval SiRsv(1) = x'00'
**-- Initialize job CPU measurement:
**-- NOTE: Statistics only reset if return records are requested
C CallP LstJobs( JlJobInf
C : %Size( JlJobInf )
C : 'OLJB0300'
C : JlKeyInf
C : %Size( JlKeyInf )
C : JlLstInf
C : 1
C : JlSrtInf
C : JlSltInf
C : %Size( JlSltInf )
C : JlNbrFldRtn
C : JlKeyFld
C : ApiError
C : 'OLJS0100'
C : JlGenDta
C : %Size( JlGenDta )
C )
**-- Wait 10 seconds:
C CallP sleep( 10 )
**-- Retrieve job list:
C CallP LstJobs( JlJobInf
C : %Size( JlJobInf )
C : 'OLJB0300'
C : JlKeyInf
C : %Size( JlKeyInf )
C : JlLstInf
C : 1
C : JlSrtInf
C : JlSltInf
C : %Size( JlSltInf )
C : JlNbrFldRtn
C : JlKeyFld
C : ApiError
C : 'OLJS0100'
C : JlGenDta
C : %Size( JlGenDta )
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C DoW LiLstSts <> '2' Or
C LiRcdNbrTot > JlRtnRcdNbr
C ExSr GetCpuDta
C ExSr ChkCpuPct
C If CpuLvl = 2
C ExSr SndCmpMsg
C EndIf
C If CpuLvl >= 2
C Leave
C EndIf
C Eval JlRtnRcdNbr = JlRtnRcdNbr + 1
C CallP GetLstEnt( JlJobInf
C : %Size( JlJobInf )
C : LiHandle
C : JlLstInf
C : 1
C : JlRtnRcdNbr
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Leave
C EndIf
C EndDo
C CallP CloseLst( LiHandle
C : ApiError
C )
C EndIf
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Get CPU data: -----------------------------------------------------**
C GetCpuDta BegSr
C Clear JbKeyDta
C For Ix = 1 To KiFldNbrRtn
C Select
C When KiKeyFld(Ix) = 312
C CallP memcpy( %Addr( JbPrcUniTim )
C : %Addr( JlJobInf ) +
C KiDtaOfs(Ix)
C : KiDtaLen(Ix)
C )
C When KiKeyFld(Ix) = 314
C CallP memcpy( %Addr( JbPrcUniPct )
C : %Addr( JlJobInf ) +
C KiDtaOfs(Ix)
C : KiDtaLen(Ix)
C )
C When KiKeyFld(Ix) = 315
C CallP memcpy( %Addr( JbPrcUniTimE )
C : %Addr( JlJobInf ) +
C KiDtaOfs(Ix)
C : KiDtaLen(Ix)
C )
C EndSl
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Check CPU percent: ------------------------------------------------**
C ChkCpuPct BegSr
C If JbPrcUniPct > RdPrcTimIntL / 2
C Eval CpuLvl = 1
C Eval PgmNam = GetTopStkE( JbJobId )
C Eval MsgDta = 'CPU alert - program ' +
C %Trim( PgmNam ) +
C ' in job ' +
C %Trim( JbJobUsd ) +
C ' is currently using ' +
C %Char( JbPrcUniPct ) +
C ' CPU % of ' +
C %Char( RdPrcTimIntL ) +
C ' interactive CPU % available.'
C CallP(e) SndMsg( *Blanks
C : *Blanks
C : MsgDta
C : %Len( MsgDta )
C : '*INFO'
C : PsCurUsr + '*LIBL'
C : 1
C : *Blanks
C : MsgKey
C : 0
C )
C Else
C Eval CpuLvl = CpuLvl + 2
C EndIf
C EndSr
**-- Send completion message: ------------------------------------------**
C SndCmpMsg BegSr
C Eval MsgDta = 'CPU monitor completed ' +
C '- max utilization by job ' +
C %Trim( JbJobUsd ) +
C ' using ' +
C %Char( JbPrcUniPct ) +
C ' CPU % of ' +
C %Char( RdPrcTimIntL ) +
C ' interactive CPU % available.'
C CallP(e) SndMsg( *Blanks
C : *Blanks
C : MsgDta
C : %Len( MsgDta )
C : '*COMP'
C : PsCurUsr + '*LIBL'
C : 1
C : *Blanks
C : MsgKey
C : 0
C )
C EndSr
**-- Get top stack entry: ----------------------------------------------**
P GetTopStkE B Export
D Pi 20a
D GtJobId 26a Const
**-- API parameters:
D CsRcvVar Ds
D CsBytRtn 10i 0
D CsBytAvl 10i 0
D CsNbrStkE 10i 0
D CsOfsStkE 10i 0
D CsNbrEntRtn 10i 0
D CsThrId 8a
D CsInfSts 1a
D CsCalStk 32767a
D CsCalStkE Ds Based( pCalStkE )
D CsStkEntLen 10i 0
D CsOfsStmIds 10i 0
D CsNbrStmIds 10i 0
D CsOfsPrcNam 10i 0
D CsLenPrcNam 10i 0
D CsRqsLvl 10i 0
D CsPgmNam 10a
D CsPgmLib 10a
D CsMiInst 10i 0
D CsModNam 10a
D CsModLib 10a
D CsCtlBdy 1a
D CsRsv 3a
D CsActGrpNbr 10u 0
D CsActGrpNam 10a
D CsAddInf 4096a
D CsStmIds 10a Dim( 16 )
D CsPrcNam 512a
D CsJobId Ds
D JiJobId 26a
D JiJobNam 10a Overlay( JiJobId: 1 )
D JiUsrNam 10a Overlay( JiJobId: *Next )
D JiJobNbr 6a Overlay( JiJobId: *Next )
D JiIntId 16a
D JiRsv 2a Inz( *Allx'00' )
D JiThrInd 10i 0 Inz( 2 )
D JiThrId 8a Inz( *Allx'00' )
**-- Retrieve call stack:
D RtvCalStk Pr ExtPgm( 'QWVRCSTK' )
D RcRcvVar 32767a
D RcRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RcRcvInfFmt 8a Const
D RcJobId 56a Const
D RcJobIdFmt 8a Const
D RcError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D EntNbr s 5u 0
**-- Get stack entries: ------------------------------------------------**
C Eval JiJobId = GtJobId
C CallP RtvCalStk( CsRcvVar
C : %Size( CsRcvVar )
C : 'CSTK0100'
C : CsJobId
C : 'JIDF0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C Eval pCalStkE = %Addr( CsRcvVar ) + CsOfsStkE
C For EntNbr = 1 to CsNbrEntRtn
C If EntNbr = 1
C Eval CsStmIds = *Blanks
C Eval CsPrcNam = *Blanks
C If CsOfsStmIds > *Zero
C CallP MemCpy( %Addr( CsStmIds )
C : %Addr( CsCalStkE ) +
C CsOfsStmIds
C : CsNbrStmIds * %Size( CsStmIds )
C )
C EndIf
C If CsOfsPrcNam > *Zero
C CallP MemCpy( %Addr( CsPrcNam )
C : %Addr( CsCalStkE ) +
C CsOfsPrcNam
C : CsLenPrcNam
C )
C EndIf
C Leave
C EndIf
C If EntNbr < CsNbrEntRtn
C Eval pCalStkE = PCalStkE + CsStkEntLen
C EndIf
C EndFor
C Return CsPgmNam + CsPgmLib
C Else
C Return *Blanks
C EndIf
P GetTopStkE E
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
QUSLFLD List Fields
QUSCRTUS Create user space
QUSDLTUS Delete user space
QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to user space
** Description : Find database field containing scan string
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Database and file APIs:
** QUSLFLD List fields Lists the fields of the specified
** file record format to user space.
** The list includes information
** about each field's attributes and
** record buffer position.
** National language support API:
** QlgConvertCase Convert case Converts a character string to
** upper or lower case based on a
** coded character set identifier
** (CCSID) rather than a table.
** The CCSID support makes the API
** very flexible to use, but based
** on experience a certain overhead
** is incurred in this process.
** C library functions:
** _Ropen Open record file Opens the record file specified
** as defined by the keywords in the
** mode parameter. If the file does
** not exist it will not be created.
** The mode parameter specifies the
** type of file access as well as
** optional parameters to control
** f.x. whether the file is read in
** arrival or keyed order.
** The *LIBL & *CURLIB special values
** are supported for the library
** name and an optional member name
** is possible to specify in the
** format library/file(member).
** _Rclose Close record file This API closes the previously
** opened record file identified by
** the file pointer parameter.
** Storage allocated is freed and
** all buffers are flushed.
** _Rreadf Read first record Reads the first record in the
** access pass specified by file
** pointer in either arrival or
** keyed order.
** _Rreadn Read next record Reads the next record in the
** access pass specified by file
** pointer in either arrival or
** keyed order.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. A translation table is setup using the convert case API to
** ensure correct code page translation and at the same time - by
** using at table driven translation - avoid the overhead related
** to repeatedly calling the conversion API.
** 2. A user space is created and the list of the requested file's
** fields is loaded to the user space.
** 3. The requested file is opened for sequential and blocked read
** only.
** 4. The file records are read one by one into a buffer string.
** 5. The retrieved record buffer is processed one field at a time,
** scanning every alfa field for the scan string - with or without
** case sensitivity as requested.
** 6. For each field containing the scan string a line is printed.
** 7. At end of file the file is closed, the user space deleted and
** the program is terminated.
** Programmer's notes:
** The manual specifies that the record block size - if blocking is
** requested - will be optimized by the system. Unfortunately the
** system still seems to regard the optimum block size on the iSeries
** to be 4K - even though it for RISC systems is 128K.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX103 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX103 )
** Module( CBX103 )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H BndDir( 'QC2LE' ) Option( *SrcStmt ) DatEdit( *MDY/ )
**-- Printer file: -----------------------------------------------------**
FQSYSPRT O F 132 Printer InfDs( PrtLinInf ) OflInd( *InOf )
**-- Printer file information: -----------------------------------------**
D PrtLinInf Ds
D PlOvfLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 188 )
D PlCurLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 367 )
D PlCurPag 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 369 )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PsPgmNam *Proc
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D pRFILE s *
D rc s 10i 0
D Idx s 10i 0
D StrBuf s 10240a
D RtnBuf s 10240a
D FldVal s 1024a Varying
D FldVal40 s 40a
D ScnVal s 1024a Varying
D ScnArg s 32a Varying
D ScnPos s 4s 0
D Time s 6s 0
D NbrRcds s 10u 0
**-- Xlate table variables: --------------------------------------------**
D Cvt Ds
D CvtNum 3u 0 Dim( 255 )
D CvtAlf 1a Dim( 255 ) Overlay( Cvt )
D Hi s 255a Varying
D Lo s 255a Varying
**-- Global constants: -------------------------------------------------**
D No_Lock c x'00000001'
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- I/O feedback structure: -------------------------------------------**
D RIOFB Ds Based( pRIOFB )
D pKey *
D pSysParm *
D IoRcdRrn 10u 0
D IoNbrBytRw 10i 0
D IoBlkCnt 5i 0
D IoBlkFllBy 1a
D IoBitFld 1a
D IoRsv 20a
**-- User space pointers: ----------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- User space generic header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- API header information: -------------------------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D FlFilNamU 10a
D FlFilLibU 10a
D FlFilTyp 10a
D FlRcdFmtNamU 10a
D FlRcdLen 10i 0
D FlRcdFmtId 13a
D FlRcdTxtDsc 50a
D 1a
D FlRcdTxtCcsId 10i 0
D FlVarLenFldIn 1a
D FlGphFldInd 1a
D FlDatTimFldIn 1a
D FlNulCapFldIn 1a
**-- API format FLDL0100: ----------------------------------------------**
D FldLst0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D F1FldNam 10a
D F1DtaTyp 1a
D F1DtaUse 1a
D F1OutBufPos 10i 0
D F1InpBufPos 10i 0
D F1Len 10i 0
D F1Digits 10i 0
D F1DecPos 10i 0
D F1TxtDsc 50a
D F1EdtCod 2a
D F1EdtWrdLen 10i 0
D F1EdtWrd 64a
D F1ColHdg1 20a
D F1ColHdg2 20a
D F1ColHdg3 20a
D F1IntFldNam 10a
D F1AltFldNam 30a
D F1AltFldNamLn 10i 0
D F1NbrChrDbcs 10i 0
D F1AlwNull 1a
D F1HstVarInd 1a
D F1DatTimFmt 4a
D F1DatTimSep 1a
D F1VarFldLenIn 1a
D F1TxtDscCcsId 10i 0
D F1DtaCcsId 10i 0
D F1ColHdgCcsId 10i 0
D F1EdtWrdCcsId 10i 0
D F1Ucs2DspFldL 10i 0
**-- Convert case parameters & constants: ------------------------------**
D CcRqsCtlBlk Ds
D RcRqsType 10i 0 Inz( CvtByCcsId )
D RcCCSID 10i 0 Inz( JobCcsId )
D RcCaseRqs 10i 0 Inz
D 10a Inz( *Allx'00')
D CvtByCcsId c 1
D JobCcsId c 0
D Lower c 1
D Upper c 0
**-- List fields: ------------------------------------------------------**
D LstFld Pr *
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const
D PxLibNam 10a Const
**-- To upper case: ----------------------------------------------------**
D ToUpper Pr 1024a Varying
D InpStr 1024a Const Varying
**-- To lower case: ----------------------------------------------------**
D ToLower Pr 1024a Varying
D InpStr 1024a Const Varying
**-- Open file: --------------------------------------------------------**
D Ropen Pr * ExtProc( '_Ropen' )
D pRFile * Value Options( *String )
D pMode * Value Options( *String )
D pOptParm * Value Options( *String: *NoPass )
**-- Close file: -------------------------------------------------------**
D Rclose Pr 10i 0 ExtProc( '_Rclose' )
D pRFile * Value
**-- Read first record: ------------------------------------------------**
D Rreadf Pr * ExtProc( '_Rreadf' )
D pRFile * Value
D pBuffer * Value
D BufLength 10u 0 Value
D Options 10i 0 Value
**-- Read next record: -------------------------------------------------**
D Rreadn Pr * ExtProc( '_Rreadn' )
D pRFile * Value
D pBuffer * Value
D BufLength 10u 0 Value
D Options 10i 0 Value
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Convert case: -----------------------------------------------------**
D CvtCase Pr ExtProc( 'QlgConvertCase' )
D CcRqsBlk 22a Const
D CcInpDta 32767a Const Options( *VarSize )
D CcOutDta 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D CcDtaLen 10i 0 Const
D CcError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Program parameters: -----------------------------------------------**
D PxFilNam s 10a
D PxLibNam s 10a
D PxScnArg s 32a
D PxCasSns s 1a
C *Entry Plist
C Parm PxFilNam
C Parm PxLibNam
C Parm PxScnArg
C Parm PxCasSns
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C ExSr InzPgm
C If PxScnArg > *Blanks
C Eval pUsrSpc = LstFld( UsrSpcQ
C : PxFilNam
C : PxLibNam
C )
C If pUsrSpc <> *Null
C Eval pRFILE = Ropen( %Trim( PxLibNam ) +
C '/' +
C %Trim( PxFilNam )
C : 'rr, arrseq=Y, ' +
C 'blkrcd=Y'
C )
C If pRFILE <> *Null
C Eval pRIOFB = Rreadf( pRFILE
C : %Addr( StrBuf )
C : %Size( StrBuf )
C : No_Lock
C )
C DoW IoNbrBytRw > 0
C ExSr PrcRcd
C Eval pRIOFB = Rreadn( pRFILE
C : %Addr( StrBuf )
C : %Size( StrBuf )
C : No_Lock
C )
C EndDo
C Eval rc = Rclose( pRFILE )
C EndIf
C EndIf
C EndIf
C ExSr TrmPgm
**-- Process record: ---------------------------------------------------**
C PrcRcd BegSr
C Eval RtnBuf = %SubSt( StrBuf: 1: IoNbrBytRw )
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Idx = 1 To UsNumLstEnt
C If F1DtaTyp = 'A'
C Eval FldVal = %SubSt( RtnBuf
C : F1InpBufPos
C : F1Len
C )
C If PxCasSns = 'Y'
C Eval ScnVal = %Xlate( Lo: Hi: FldVal )
C Else
C Eval ScnVal = FldVal
C EndIf
C Eval ScnPos = %Scan( ScnArg: ScnVal )
C If ScnPos > *Zero
C ExSr WrtLstLin
C EndIf
C EndIf
C If Idx < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Write list line: --------------------------------------------------**
C WrtLstLin BegSr
C Eval FldVal40 = FldVal
C If PlCurLin > PlOvfLin - 3
C Except Header
C EndIf
C Eval NbrRcds = NbrRcds + 1
C Except Detail
C EndSr
**-- Initialize program: -----------------------------------------------**
C InzPgm BegSr
C ExSr InzXltTbl
C If PxCasSns = 'Y'
C Eval ScnArg = %TrimR( PxScnArg )
C Eval ScnArg = %Xlate( Lo: Hi: ScnArg )
C Else
C Eval ScnArg = %TrimR( PxScnArg )
C EndIf
C Time Time
C Except Header
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( UsrSpcQ
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C EndSr
**-- Initialize translation table: -------------------------------------**
C InzXltTbl BegSr
**-- Fill conversion table with displayable (hex 40-hex FE) and
**-- non-duplicate codepoints only:
C For Idx = 40 to %Elem( CvtNum )
C Eval CvtNum(Idx) = Idx
C EndFor
C Eval Cvt = ToUpper( Cvt )
C SortA CvtAlf
C For Idx = 40 to %Elem( CvtAlf )
C If CvtAlf(Idx) > CvtAlf(Idx-1)
C Eval Hi = Hi + CvtAlf(Idx)
C EndIf
C EndFor
C Eval Lo = ToLower( Hi )
C EndSr
**-- Terminate program: ------------------------------------------------**
C TrmPgm BegSr
C If NbrRcds = *Zero
C Except NoRcds
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( UsrSpcQ
C : ApiError
C )
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
C EndSr
**-- Print file definition: --------------------------------------------**
OQSYSPRT EF Header 2 3
O Time 18 ' : : '
O 75 'Scan file fields rep-
O ort'
O 107 'Program:'
O PsPgmNam 118
O 126 'Page:'
O PAGE + 1
O 4 'File'
O 19 'Library'
O 34 'Scan value'
O 71 'RRN'
O 84 'Field name'
O 90 'Pos.'
O 103 'Field value'
O FlFilNamU 10
O FlFilLibU 22
O PxScnArg 56
O IoRcdRrn 3 71
O F1FldNam 84
O ScnPos 3 89
O FldVal40 132
O 26 '(No matches found)'
**-- List fields: ------------------------------------------------------**
P LstFld B
D Pi *
D PxUsrSpc 20a Const
D PxFilNam 10a Const
D PxLibNam 10a Const
**-- List fields to user space:
D LstFldSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSLFLD' )
D LfSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LfFmtNam 8a Const
D LfFilNamQual 20a Const
D LfRcdFmtNam 10a Const
D LfOvrPrc 1a Const
D LfError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space:
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
D pUsrSpc s *
**-- List file fields: -------------------------------------------------**
C CallP LstFldSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : 'FLDL0100'
C : PxFilNam + PxLibNam
C : '*FIRST'
C : '0'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C Return pUsrSpc
C Else
C Return *Null
C EndIf
P LstFld E
**-- To upper case: ----------------------------------------------------**
P ToUpper B
D Pi 1024a Varying
D InpStr 1024a Const Varying
D OutStr s 1024a
**-- Convert to upper case: --------------------------------------------**
C Eval RcCaseRqs = Upper
C CallP CvtCase( CcRqsCtlBlk
C : InpStr
C : OutStr
C : %Len( InpStr )
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Return InpStr
C Else
C Return %TrimR( OutStr )
C EndIf
P ToUpper E
**-- To lower case: ----------------------------------------------------**
P ToLower B
D Pi 1024a Varying
D InpStr 1024a Const Varying
D OutStr s 1024a
**-- Convert to lower case: --------------------------------------------**
C Eval RcCaseRqs = Lower
C CallP CvtCase( CcRqsCtlBlk
C : InpStr
C : OutStr
C : %Len( InpStr )
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Return InpStr
C Else
C Return %TrimR( OutStr )
C EndIf
P ToLower E
And the calling program:
** Description : Find database field containing scan string
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX103T ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX103T )
** Module( CBX103T )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Program parameters: -----------------------------------------------**
** File name:
D PxFilNam s 10a Inz( 'filename' )
** Library name, *LIBL or *CURLIB:
D PxLibNam s 10a Inz( 'lib name' )
** Scan argument:
D PxScnArg s 32a Inz( 'scan string' )
** Scan case sensitive, Y=Yes:
D PxCasSns s 1a Inz( 'Y' )
C Call 'CBX103'
C Parm PxFilNam
C Parm PxLibNam
C Parm PxScnArg
C Parm PxCasSns
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
TCP/IP management APIs (1)
** Description : Print TCP/IP connection status
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Communication - TCP/IP management APIs:
** QtocRtvTCPA Retrieve TCP/IP Retrieves TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6
** attributes (V5R2) stack attributes.
** QtocLstNetCnn List network Returns a non-detailed list of
** connections network connections based on a
** set of selection criteria defined
** in the list qualifier parameter.
** QtocRtvNetCnnDta List network Retrieves detailed information
** connection data and connection totals for the
** specified network connection.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The current operational status of the TCP/IP stack is retrieved
** to ensure that TCP/IP connection information is available.
** 2. A user space is created and a list of the current TCP/IP network
** connections is loaded to the user space.
** 3. For each TCP/IP network connection retrieved from user space a
** report line is printed and subsequently the associated network
** connection data are retrieved.
** 4. The based data and list structures are allocated to the storage
** adresses defined by the offsets found in the basic and additional
** information API formats.
** 5. A report line is printed for each of the servicing jobs associated
** with the current network connection.
** 6. Finally the user space is deleted, explicitly allocated storage
** freed and the program is terminated.
** Programmer's notes:
** Earliest release program will run: V5R1
** The examples here are all retrieving information about TCP/IPv4
** stacks and connections. As of V5R2 new API formats are available
** for retrieval of similar TCP/IPv6 stack and connection information.
** Be careful to allocate sufficient storage for the return structure
** of the QtocRtvNetCnnDta API initially. The returned value for bytes
** actually available might not include the additional structures,
** Socket options and Associated jobs/tasks.
** The QtocRtvNetCnnDta API has a reported problem involving a memory
** leak. The following PTFs have been released to fix the problem:
** R510 SI09122 1000
** R520 SI09175 1000
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX105 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX105 )
** Module( CBX105 )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Printer file: -----------------------------------------------------**
FQSYSPRT O F 132 Printer InfDs( PrtLinInf ) OflInd( *InOf )
**-- Printer file information: -----------------------------------------**
D PrtLinInf Ds
D PlOvfLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 188 )
D PlCurLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 367 )
D PlCurPag 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 369 )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PsPgmNam *Proc
**-- Global declarations: ----------------------------------------------**
D Lix s 10u 0
D Dix s 10u 0
D BytAlc s 10u 0
D Time s 6s 0
D NbrRcds s 10u 0
D TcpCnnStt s 4a
D ConOpnTyp s 3a
**-- Tcp state table: --------------------------------------------------**
D SttTbl Ds
D TcpStt 5a Dim( 12 )
D 60a Overlay( SttTbl )
**-- Open type table: --------------------------------------------------**
D OpnTbl Ds
D OpnTyp 4a Dim( 3 )
D 12a Overlay( OpnTbl )
D Inz( 'PSV ACT n/s ' )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- API Header information: -------------------------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D HiUsrSpcNamSp 10a
D HiUsrSpcLibSp 10a
**-- User space generic header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpcHdr Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 137 )
**-- User space pointers: ----------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- TCP/IP attributes: ------------------------------------------------**
D TCPA0100 Ds
D T1BytRtn 10u 0
D T1BytAvl 10u 0
D T1StkSts 10u 0
D T1ActTim 10u 0
D T1LstStrD 8a
D T1LstStrT 6a
D T1LstEndD 8a
D T1LstEndT 6a
D T1StrJob 10a
D T1StrUsr 10a
D T1StrNbr 6a
D T1StrJobInt 16a
D T1EndJob 10a
D T1EndUsr 10a
D T1EndNbr 6a
D T1EndJobInt 16a
D T1OfsAddInf 10u 0
D T1LenAddInf 10u 0
**-- Connection list qualifier: ----------------------------------------**
D NCLQ0100 Ds
D N1NetCnnTyp 10a Inz( '*ALL' )
D N1LstRqsTyp 10a Inz( '*ALL' )
D 12a Inz( *Allx'00' )
D N1LocAdrLow 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1LocAdrUpr 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1LocPortLow 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1LocPortUpr 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1RmtAdrLow 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1RmtAdrUpr 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1RmtPortLow 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
D N1RmmPortUpr 10u 0 Inz( 0 )
**-- Connection list entry: --------------------------------------------**
D NCNN0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D C1RmtAdr 15a
D 1a
D C1RmtAdrBin 10u 0
D C1LocAdr 15a
D 1a
D C1LocAdrBin 10u 0
D C1RmtPort 10u 0
D C1LocPort 10u 0
D C1TcpState 10u 0
D C1IdlTimMs 10u 0
D C1BytIn 20u 0
D C1BytOut 20u 0
D C1ConOpnTyp 10u 0
D C1NetCnnTyp 10a
D 1a
**-- Following fields were added in V5R2 - do not reference in V5R1:
D 1a
D C1AscUsrPrf 10a
D 2a
**-- Socket connection request: ----------------------------------------**
D SocCnnRqs Ds
D ScProtocol 10u 0
D ScLocIpAdr 10u 0
D ScLocPortNbr 10u 0
D ScRmtIpAdr 10u 0
D ScRmtPortNbr 10u 0
**-- Connection data: --------------------------------------------------**
D NCND0100 Ds Based( pCnnDta )
D D1BytRtn 10u 0
D D1BytAvl 10u 0
D D1CurCnnEst 10u 0
D D1ActOpn 10u 0
D D1PasOpn 10u 0
D D1AttOpnFail 10u 0
D D1EstNxtRes 10u 0
D D1SegSnt 10u 0
D D1SegRtr 10u 0
D D1SegRsn 10u 0
D D1SegRcv 10u 0
D D1SegRcvErr 10u 0
D D1DtgSnt 10u 0
D D1DtgRcv 10u 0
D D1DtgNdlPort 10u 0
D D1DtgNdlOde 10u 0
D D1AddInfOfs 10u 0
D D1AddInfLen 10u 0
D NCND0200 Ds Based( pCnnDtaInf )
D D2Protocol 10u 0
D D2LocIpAdr 10u 0
D D2LocPortNbr 10u 0
D D2RmtIpAdr 10u 0
D D2RmtPortNbr 10u 0
D D2RndTrpTim 10u 0
D D2RndTrpVar 10u 0
D D2OutBytBuf 10u 0
D D2UsrSndNxt 10u 0
D D2SndNxt 10u 0
D D2SndUnack 10u 0
D D2OutPshNbr 10u 0
D D2OutUrgNbr 10u 0
D D2OutWdwNbr 10u 0
D D2IncBytBuf 10u 0
D D2RcvNxt 10u 0
D D2UsrRcvNxt 10u 0
D D2IncPshNbr 10u 0
D D2IncUrgNbr 10u 0
D D2IncWdwNbr 10u 0
D D2TotRtr 10u 0
D D2CurRtr 10u 0
D D2MaxWdwSiz 10u 0
D D2CurWdwSiz 10u 0
D D2LastUpd 10u 0
D D2LastUpdAck 10u 0
D D2CngWdw 10u 0
D D2SlwStrThr 10u 0
D D2MaxSegSiz 10u 0
D D2InzSndSeqNb 10u 0
D D2InzRcvSeqNb 10u 0
D D2CnnTspLayer 10u 0
D D2TcpState 10u 0
D D2CnnOpnTyp 10u 0
D D2IdlTimMs 10u 0
D D2IpOpt 40a
D D2BytIn 10u 0
D D2BytOut 10u 0
D D2SocState 10u 0
D D2SocLstOfs 10u 0
D D2SocEntNbr 10u 0
D D2SocEntLen 10u 0
D D2JobLstOfs 10u 0
D D2JobEntNbr 10u 0
D D2JobEntLen 10u 0
**-- Following fields were added in V5R2 - do not reference in V5R1:
D D2AscUsrPrf 10a
D 2a
**-- Socket options list:
D SocOptLst Ds Based( pSocOptLst )
D SoSocOpt 10u 0
D SoOptVal 10u 0
**-- Associated jobs/tasks list:
D JobCnnLst Ds Based( pJobCnnLst )
D JcFmtEnt 10u 0
D JcTskNam 16a
D JcJobNam 10a
D JcJobUsr 10a
D JcJobNbr 6a
D JcJobId 16a
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve TCP/IP attributes: ---------------------------------------**
D RtvTcpA Pr ExtProc( 'QtocRtvTCPA' )
D RtRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RtRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RtFmtNam 8a Const
D RtError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List network connections: -----------------------------------------**
D LstNetCnn Pr ExtProc( 'QtocLstNetCnn' )
D LcSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LcFmtNam 8a Const
D LcCnnQual 64a Const
D LcCnnQualSiz 10i 0 Const
D LcCnnQualFmt 8a Const
D LcError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve network connection data: ---------------------------------**
D RtvCnnDta Pr ExtProc( 'QtocRtvNetCnnDta' )
D RcRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D RcRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RcFmtNam 8a Const
D RcSocCnnRqs 20a Const
D RcError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Time Time
C Except Header
C CallP RtvTcpA( TCPA0100
C : %Size( TCPA0100 )
C : 'TCPA0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C Select
C When AeBytAvl > *Zero
**-- Error occurred...
C Except NoStack
C When T1StkSts = 0 Or
C T1StkSts = 2
**-- TCP/IP stack not operational...
C Except NoStack
C Other
C Eval BytAlc = 32767
C Eval pCnnDta = %Alloc( BytAlc )
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP LstNetCnn( UsrSpc
C : 'NCNN0100'
C : NCLQ0100
C : %Size( NCLQ0100 )
C : 'NCLQ0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcLstEnt
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : ApiError
C )
C DeAlloc pCnnDta
C If NbrRcds = *Zero
C Except NoRcds
C EndIf
C EndSl
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Process list entries: ---------------------------------------------**
C PrcLstEnt BegSr
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( UsrSpc
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Lix = 1 to UsNumLstEnt
C ExSr PrtCnnDtl
C Select
C When C1NetCnnTyp = '*TCP'
C Eval ScProtocol = 1
C When C1NetCnnTyp = '*UDP'
C Eval ScProtocol = 2
C Other
C Eval ScProtocol = 0
C EndSl
C If ScProtocol > 0
C Eval ScLocIpAdr = C1LocAdrBin
C Eval ScLocPortNbr= C1LocPort
C Eval ScRmtIpAdr = C1RmtAdrBin
C Eval ScRmtPortNbr= C1RmtPort
C DoU D1BytAvl <= BytAlc
C If D1BytAvl > BytAlc
C Eval BytAlc = D1BytAvl
C Eval pCnnDta = %ReAlloc( pCnnDta: BytAlc )
C EndIf
C CallP RtvCnnDta( NCND0100
C : BytAlc
C : 'NCND0200'
C : SocCnnRqs
C : ApiError
C )
C EndDo
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcDtaEnt
C EndIf
C EndIf
C If Lix < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Process data list entries: ----------------------------------------**
C PrcDtaEnt BegSr
C Eval pCnnDtaInf = pCnnDta + D1AddInfOfs
**-- Socket options:
C Eval pSocOptLst = pCnnDta + D2SocLstOfs
C For Dix = 1 to D2SocEntNbr
C If Dix < D2SocEntNbr
C Eval pSocOptLst = pSocOptLst + D2SocEntLen
C EndIf
C EndFor
**-- Associated jobs:
C Eval pJobCnnLst = pCnnDta + D2JobLstOfs
C For Dix = 1 to D2JobEntNbr
C If JcFmtEnt = 1
C ExSr PrtJobDtl
C EndIf
C If Dix < D2JobEntNbr
C Eval pJobCnnLst = pJobCnnLst + D2JobEntLen
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Print connection detail line: -------------------------------------**
C PrtCnnDtl BegSr
C If PlCurLin > PlOvfLin - 3
C Except Header
C EndIf
C Eval TcpCnnStt = TcpStt(C1TcpState + 1)
C Eval ConOpnTyp = OpnTyp(C1ConOpnTyp + 1)
C Eval NbrRcds = NbrRcds + 1
C Except CnnDtl
C EndSr
**-- Print connection job detail line: ---------------------------------**
C PrtJobDtl BegSr
C If PlCurLin > PlOvfLin - 2
C Except Header
C EndIf
C Except JobDtl
C EndSr
**-- Print file definition: --------------------------------------------**
OQSYSPRT EF Header 2 3
O Time 18 ' : : '
O 75 'Print TCP/IP connection -
O status'
O 107 'Program:'
O PsPgmNam 118
O 126 'Page:'
O PAGE + 1
O 14 'Remote address'
O 25 '- Port'
O 40 'Local address'
O 52 '- Port'
O 58 'Type'
O 70 'Open'
O 76 'State'
O 90 'Idle time ms'
O 111 'Bytes in'
O 132 'Bytes out'
O C1RmtAdr 15
O C1RmtPort 3 25
O C1LocAdr 42
O C1LocPort 3 52
O C1NetCnnTyp 64
O ConOpnTyp 69
O TcpCnnStt 76
O C1IdlTimMs 3 90
O C1BytIn 3 111
O C1BytOut 3 132
O 22 'Connection job name:'
O JcJobNam 33
O 41 '- user:'
O JcJobUsr 52
O 61 '- number:'
O JcJobNbr 68
O 26 '(TCP/IP stack not active)'
O 26 '(No entries found)'
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
TCP/IP management APIs (2)
** Description : Print TCP/IP interface status
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Communication - TCP/IP management APIs:
** QtocRtvTCPA Retrieve TCP/IP Retrieves TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6
** attributes (V5R2) stack attributes.
** QtocLstNetIfc List network Returns a detailed list of all
** interfaces logical TCP/IP interfaces.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The current operational status of the TCP/IP stack is retrieved
** to ensure that TCP/IP connection information is available.
** 2. A user space is created and a list of the logical TCP/IP network
** interfaces is loaded to the user space.
** 3. For each TCP/IP network interface retrieved from user space a
** report line is printed.
** 4. Finally the user space is deleted and the program is terminated.
** Programmer's notes:
** Earliest release program will run: V5R1
** The examples here are all retrieving information about TCP/IPv4
** stacks and connections. As of V5R2 new API formats are available
** for retrieval of similar TCP/IPv6 stack and interface information.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX1061 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX1061 )
** Module( CBX1061 )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Printer file: -----------------------------------------------------**
FQSYSPRT O F 132 Printer InfDs( PrtLinInf ) OflInd( *InOf )
**-- Printer file information: -----------------------------------------**
D PrtLinInf Ds
D PlOvfLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 188 )
D PlCurLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 367 )
D PlCurPag 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 369 )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PsPgmNam *Proc
**-- Global declarations: ----------------------------------------------**
D Lix s 10u 0
D Time s 6s 0
D NbrRcds s 10u 0
D TcpIfcSts s 9a
D IfcLinTyp s 7a
**-- Interface status table: -------------------------------------------**
D StsTbl Ds
D IfcSts 9a Dim( 9 )
D 81a Overlay( StsTbl )
D Inz( 'Inactive Active Starting +
D Failed Failed-T DOD ' )
**-- Interface line type table: ----------------------------------------**
D TypTbl Ds
D LinTyp 7a Dim( 15 )
D 105a Overlay( TypTbl )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- API Header information: -------------------------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D HiUsrSpcNamSp 10a
D HiUsrSpcLibSp 10a
**-- User space generic header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- User space pointers: ----------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- TCP/IP attributes: ------------------------------------------------**
D TCPA0100 Ds
D T1BytRtn 10u 0
D T1BytAvl 10u 0
D T1StkSts 10u 0
D T1ActTim 10u 0
D T1LstStrD 8a
D T1LstStrT 6a
D T1LstEndD 8a
D T1LstEndT 6a
D T1StrJob 10a
D T1StrUsr 10a
D T1StrNbr 6a
D T1StrJobInt 16a
D T1EndJob 10a
D T1EndUsr 10a
D T1EndNbr 6a
D T1EndJobInt 16a
D T1OfsAddInf 10u 0
D T1LenAddInf 10u 0
**-- Interface list entry: ---------------------------------------------**
D NIFC0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D I1IntAdr 15a
D 1a
D I1IntAdrB 10u 0
D I1NetAdr 15a
D 1a
D I1NetAdrB 10u 0
D I1NetName 10a
D I1LinD 10a
D I1IfcName 10a
D 2a
D I1IfcSts 10u 0
D I1IfcTypSrv 10i 0
D I1IfcMtu 10i 0
D I1IfcLinTyp 10i 0
D I1HostAdr 15a
D 1a
D I1HostAdrB 10u 0
D I1IfcSubMsk 15a
D 1a
D I1IfcSubMskB 10u 0
D I1DirBdcAdr 15a
D 1a
D I1DirBdcAdrB 10u 0
D I1ChgDat 8a
D I1ChgTim 6a
D I1AstLocIfc 15a
D 3a
D I1AstLocIfcB 10u 0
D I1ChgSts 10u 0
D I1PckRul 10i 0
D I1AutStr 10u 0
D I1TrlBitSeq 10u 0
D I1IfcTyp 10u 0
D I1PrxArpEnb 10u 0
D I1PrxArpAlw 10u 0
D I1CfgMtu 10i 0
**-- Following fields were added in V5R2 - do not reference in V5R1:
D I1NetNameF 24a
D I1IfcNameF 24a
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve TCP/IP attributes: ---------------------------------------**
D RtvTcpA Pr ExtProc( 'QtocRtvTCPA' )
D RtRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RtRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RtFmtNam 8a Const
D RtError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List network interfaces: ------------------------------------------**
D LstNetIfc Pr ExtProc( 'QtocLstNetIfc' )
D LiSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LiFmtNam 8a Const
D LiError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Time Time
C Except Header
C CallP RtvTcpA( TCPA0100
C : %Size( TCPA0100 )
C : 'TCPA0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C Select
C When AeBytAvl > *Zero
**-- Error occurred...
C Except NoStack
C When T1StkSts = 0 Or
C T1StkSts = 2
**-- TCP/IP stack not operational...
C Except NoStack
C Other
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP LstNetIfc( PxUsrSpc
C : 'NIFC0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcLstEnt
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : ApiError
C )
C If NbrRcds = *Zero
C Except NoRcds
C EndIf
C EndSl
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Process list entries: ---------------------------------------------**
C PrcLstEnt BegSr
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Lix = 1 to UsNumLstEnt
C ExSr PrtIfcDtl
C If Lix < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Print interface detail line: --------------------------------------**
C PrtIfcDtl BegSr
C If PlCurLin > PlOvfLin - 3
C Except Header
C EndIf
C Eval TcpIfcSts = IfcSts(I1IfcSts + 1)
C Eval IfcLinTyp = LinTyp(I1IfcLinTyp + 5)
C Eval NbrRcds = NbrRcds + 1
C Except IfcDtl
C EndSr
**-- Print file definition: --------------------------------------------**
OQSYSPRT EF Header 2 3
O Time 18 ' : : '
O 75 'Print TCP/IP interface -
O status'
O 107 'Program:'
O PsPgmNam 118
O 126 'Page:'
O PAGE + 1
O 16 'Internet address'
O 29 'Subnet mask'
O 50 'Network address'
O 64 'Host address'
O 72 'Line'
O 84 '-type'
O 96 'Interface'
O 106 '-status'
O 118 'MTU'
O I1IntAdr 15
O I1IfcSubMsk 33
O I1NetAdr 50
O I1HostAdr 67
O I1LinD 78
O IfcLinTyp 86
O I1IfcName 97
O TcpIfcSts 108
O I1IfcMtu 3 118
O 26 '(TCP/IP stack not active)'
O 26 '(No entries found)'
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
TCP/IP management APIs (3)
** Description : Print TCP/IP network routes
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Object - User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space in either
** user domain or system domain.
** Only user domain user spaces are
** accessible by the user space APIs.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes the user space specified.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to The address of the first byte
** user space of the storage allocated by the
** user space requested is returned.
** Communication - TCP/IP management APIs:
** QtocRtvTCPA Retrieve TCP/IP Retrieves TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6
** attributes (V5R2) stack attributes.
** QtocLstNetRte List network Returns a detailed list of all
** routes network routes.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The current operational status of the TCP/IP stack is retrieved
** to ensure that TCP/IP connection information is available.
** 2. A user space is created and a list of the TCP/IP network routes
** is loaded to the user space.
** 3. For each TCP/IP network route retrieved from user space a report
** line is printed.
** 4. Finally the user space is deleted and the program is terminated.
** Programmer's notes:
** Earliest release program will run: V5R1
** According to the API documentation there are 5 route types (0-4)
** and route type 2 maps to HOST. It turns out that ICMP added host
** routes are given route type 5 and therefore an extra HOST entry
** in the mapping table is necessary to ensure a correct result.
** The examples here are all retrieving information about TCP/IPv4
** stacks and connections. As of V5R2 new API formats are available
** for retrieval of similar TCP/IPv6 stack and route information.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX1062 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX1062 )
** Module( CBX1062 )
**-- Header specifications: --------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- Printer file: -----------------------------------------------------**
FQSYSPRT O F 132 Printer InfDs( PrtLinInf ) OflInd( *InOf )
**-- Printer file information: -----------------------------------------**
D PrtLinInf Ds
D PlOvfLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 188 )
D PlCurLin 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 367 )
D PlCurPag 5i 0 Overlay( PrtLinInf: 369 )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PsPgmNam *Proc
**-- Global declarations: ----------------------------------------------**
D Lix s 10u 0
D Time s 6s 0
D NbrRcds s 10u 0
D TcpRteTyp s 7a
D TcpRteSrc s 6a
D TcpRteSts s 7a
**-- Route type table: -------------------------------------------------**
D RteTbl Ds
D RteTyp 7a Dim( 6 )
D 42a Overlay( RteTbl )
**-- Route source table: -----------------------------------------------**
D SrcTbl Ds
D RteSrc 6a Dim( 5 )
D 30a Overlay( SrcTbl )
**-- Route status table: -----------------------------------------------**
D StsTbl Ds
D RteSts 7a Dim( 5 )
D 35a Overlay( StsTbl )
**-- Api error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
D AeMsgId 7a
D 1a
D AeMsgDta 128a
**-- API Header information: -------------------------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D HiUsrSpcNamSp 10a
D HiUsrSpcLibSp 10a
**-- User space generic header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- User space pointers: ----------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- TCP/IP attributes: ------------------------------------------------**
D TCPA0100 Ds
D T1BytRtn 10u 0
D T1BytAvl 10u 0
D T1StkSts 10u 0
D T1ActTim 10u 0
D T1LstStrD 8a
D T1LstStrT 6a
D T1LstEndD 8a
D T1LstEndT 6a
D T1StrJob 10a
D T1StrUsr 10a
D T1StrNbr 6a
D T1StrJobInt 16a
D T1EndJob 10a
D T1EndUsr 10a
D T1EndNbr 6a
D T1EndJobInt 16a
D T1OfsAddInf 10u 0
D T1LenAddInf 10u 0
**-- Route list entry: -------------------------------------------------**
D NRTE0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D R1RteDst 15a
D 1a
D R1RteDstB 10u 0
D R1SubMsk 15a
D 1a
D R1SubMskB 10u 0
D R1NxtHop 15a
D 1a
D R1NxtHopB 10u 0
D R1RteSts 10u 0
D R1TypSrv 10i 0
D R1RteMtu 10i 0
D R1RteTyp 10u 0
D R1RteSrc 10i 0
D R1RtePcd 10u 0
D R1LocBndIfcSt 10u 0
D R1LocBndTyp 10u 0
D R1LocBndLinTp 10i 0
D R1LocBndIfc 15a
D 1a
D R1LocBndIfcB 10u 0
D R1LocSubMsk 15a
D 1a
D R1LocSubMskB 10u 0
D R1LocNetAdr 15a
D 1a
D R1LocNetAdrB 10u 0
D R1LocBndLinD 10a
D R1ChgDat 8a
D R1ChgTim 6a
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve TCP/IP attributes: ---------------------------------------**
D RtvTcpA Pr ExtProc( 'QtocRtvTCPA' )
D RtRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RtRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RtFmtNam 8a Const
D RtError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List network routes: ----------------------------------------------**
D LstNetRte Pr ExtProc( 'QtocLstNetRte' )
D LiSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LiFmtNam 8a Const
D LiError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Mainline: ---------------------------------------------------------**
C Time Time
C Except Header
C CallP RtvTcpA( TCPA0100
C : %Size( TCPA0100 )
C : 'TCPA0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C Select
C When AeBytAvl > *Zero
**-- Error occurred...
C Except NoStack
C When T1StkSts = 0 Or
C T1StkSts = 2
**-- TCP/IP stack not operational...
C Except NoStack
C Other
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP LstNetRte( PxUsrSpc
C : 'NRTE0100'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C ExSr PrcLstEnt
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : ApiError
C )
C If NbrRcds = *Zero
C Except NoRcds
C EndIf
C EndSl
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Process list entries: ---------------------------------------------**
C PrcLstEnt BegSr
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( PxUsrSpc
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Lix = 1 to UsNumLstEnt
C ExSr PrtRteDtl
C If Lix < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C EndSr
**-- Print route detail line: ------------------------------------------**
C PrtRteDtl BegSr
C If PlCurLin > PlOvfLin - 3
C Except Header
C EndIf
C Eval TcpRteTyp = RteTyp(R1RteTyp + 1)
C Eval TcpRteSrc = RteSrc(R1RteSrc + 2)
C Eval TcpRteSts = RteSts(R1RteSts)
C Eval NbrRcds = NbrRcds + 1
C Except RteDtl
C EndSr
**-- Print file definition: --------------------------------------------**
OQSYSPRT EF Header 2 3
O Time 18 ' : : '
O 75 'Print TCP/IP network -
O routes'
O 107 'Program:'
O PsPgmNam 118
O 126 'Page:'
O PAGE + 1
O 17 'Route destination'
O 30 'Subnet mask'
O 46 'Next hop'
O 65 'Route type'
O 74 '-source'
O 83 '-status'
O 96 'MTU'
O 111 'Change date'
O 118 '-time'
O R1RteDst 15
O R1SubMsk 34
O R1NxtHop 53
O TcpRteTyp 62
O TcpRteSrc 73
O TcpRteSts 83
O R1RteMtu 3 96
O R1ChgDat 110
O R1ChgTim 119
O 26 '(TCP/IP stack not active)'
O 26 '(No entries found)'
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
List configuration descriptions & Search hardware resource entry
** Program : CBX101
** Description : Returns the name of the line currently holding the ECS modem
** Program summary
** ---------------
** Configuration API:
** QDCLCFGD List configuration Returns a list of configuration
** descriptions descriptions based on type as
** well as selection criterias such
** as status and category.
** User space APIs:
** QUSCRTUS Create user space Creates a user space.
** QUSPTRUS Retrieve pointer to Returns a pointer to the contents
** user space of a user space. The data pointed
** to can be directly modified by
** the program obtaining the pointer.
** QUSDLTUS Delete user space Deletes a user space.
** Message handling API:
** QMHSNDPM Send program message Sends a message to a program stack
** entry (current, previous, etc.) or
** the joblog.
** Hardware resource API:
** QRZSCHE Search hardware Searches the hardware resources
** resource entry for entries matching the request
** criteria(s) in the form of key
** values. Upon a succesful search
** the first or next resource name
** found is returned.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. Create user space
** 2. List configuration description(s) selected
** based on the return value from the GetEscRsc()
** procedure to user space
** 3. Retrieve the configuration description(s)
** one by one.
** 4. Send completion message to inform caller
** what line - if any - is currently allocating
** the ECS resource.
** 5. Delete user space.
** GetEscRsc() parameters:
** Return- OUTPUT The name of electronic-customer-support
** value communications resource is returned.
** If no matching entry was found or an error
** occurred blanks are returned to the caller.
** NOTE: The resource name that is returned is
** for the first port on the I/O adapter
** in card position B of the first multi-
** multifunction IOP on the bus.
** If both SDLC lines for the original ECS
** modem and a PPP line for the iSeries Uni-
** versal Connection for Electronic Support
** and Service are configured for the adapter
** the first resource name is returned.
** Run the command WRKHDWRSC TYPE(*CMN) and
** specify option 5 to find out which lines
** are configured for the specified resource.
** Compile options:
** CrtRpgMod Module( CBX101 ) DbgView( *LIST )
** CrtPgm Pgm( CBX101 )
** Module( CBX101 )
**-- Control spec: -----------------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- API Error Data Structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPro 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0 Inz
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D MsgKey s 4a
**-- Create User Space Parameter: --------------------------------------**
D CuUsrSpcQ Ds
D CuUsrSpcNam 10 Inz( 'CFGLST ' )
D CuUsrSpcLib 10 Inz( 'QTEMP ' )
**-- API format CFGD0200: List information: ----------------------------**
D CfgLst200 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D C2CurStsNam 10i 0
D C2CfgDscNam 10a
D C2CfgDscCat 10a
D C2CurStsTxt 20a
D C2TxtDsc 50a
D C2JobNam 10a
D C2JobUsr 10a
D C2JobNbr 6a
D C2PasTdev 10a
D C2RtvApiNam 8a
D C2CfgCmdSfx 4a
**-- API format CFGD0200: Header information: --------------------------**
D HdrInf Ds Based( pHdrInf )
D ClCfgTypU 10a
D ClObjQualU 40a
D ClStsQualU 20a
D 2a
D ClUspNamU 10a
D ClUspLibU 10a
**-- User Space Generic Header: ---------- -----------------------------**
D UsrSpc Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
**-- Pointers: ---------------------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pHdrInf s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- Get ECS resource: -------------------------------------------------**
D GetEcsRsc Pr 32a
**-- Search hardware resource entry: ------------------------------------**
D SchHdwRscE Pr ExtPgm( 'QRZSCHE' )
D ShRscNam 32a
D ShRscCri 60a Const
D ShError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List configuration descriptions: ----------------------------------**
D LstCfgDsc Pr ExtPgm( 'QDCLCFGD' )
D LcSpcNamQ 20a Const
D LcFmtNam 8a Const
D LcCfgDscTyp 10a Const
D LcObjQual 40a Const
D LcStsQual 20a Const
D LcError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Send program message: ---------------------------------------------**
D SndPgmMsg Pr ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDPM' )
D SpMsgId 7a Const
D SpMsgFq 20a Const
D SpMsgDta 512a Const Options( *VarSize )
D SpMsgDtaLen 10i 0 Const
D SpMsgTyp 10a Const
D SpCalStkE 10a Const Options( *VarSize )
D SpCalStkCtr 10i 0 Const
D SpMsgKey 4a
D SpError 512a Options( *VarSize )
D SpCalStkElen 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
D SpCalStkEq 20a Const Options( *NoPass )
D SpDspWait 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
D SpCalStkEtyp 20a Const Options( *NoPass )
D SpCcsId 10i 0 Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Send completion message: ------------------------------------------**
D SndCmpMsg Pr 10i 0
D PxMsgId 10a Const
D PxMsgF 10a Const
D PxMsgFlib 10a Const
D PxMsgDta 512a Const Varying
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C CallP LstCfgDsc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : 'CFGD0200'
C : '*LIND'
C : '*RSRC ' + GetEcsRsc()
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C ExSr GetCfgDsc
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( CuUsrSpcQ
C : ApiError
C )
C Return
**-- Get Configuration Description: ------------------------------------**
C GetCfgDsc BegSr
C Eval pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsOfsHdr
C If UsNumLstEnt = *Zero
C ExSr RscVacMsg
C Else
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C Do UsNumLstEnt
C ExSr PrcLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndDo
C EndIf
C EndSr
**-- Ressource vacant message: -----------------------------------------**
C RscVacMsg BegSr
C CallP SndCmpMsg( 'CPF9897'
C : '*LIBL'
C : 'No lines currently allocating +
C ECS resource.'
C )
C EndSr
**-- Process List Entry: -----------------------------------------------**
C PrcLstEnt BegSr
C CallP SndCmpMsg( 'CPF9897'
C : '*LIBL'
C : 'Line ' +
C %TrimR( C2CfgDscNam ) + ' (' +
C %TrimR( C2TxtDsc ) + ')' +
C ' is currently ' +
C %TrimR( C2CurStsTxt ) +
C '.'
C )
C EndSr
**-- Get ECS resource: -------------------------------------------------**
P GetEcsRsc B Export
D Pi 32a
**-- API parameters:
D ShRscCri Ds
D ScStcLen 10i 0 Inz( %Len( ShRscCri ))
D ScOfsRcd 10i 0 Inz( 37 )
D ScNbrRcd 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D ScHandle 16a Inz( *Allx'00' )
D ScSchRsc 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D ScSchRqs 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D ScRcdStc
D ScRcdLen 10i 0 Inz( -1 )
D Overlay( ScRcdStc: 1 )
D ScKey 10i 0 Inz( 25 )
D Overlay( ScRcdStc: *Next )
D ScDtaLen 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D Overlay( ScRcdStc: *Next )
D ScDta 10a Overlay( ScRcdStc: *Next )
D ShRscNam s 32a
C CallP SchHdwRscE( ShRscNam: ShRscCri: ApiError )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Eval ShRscNam = *Blanks
C EndIf
C Return ShRscNam
P GetEcsRsc E
**-- Send completion message: ------------------------------------------**
P SndCmpMsg B
D Pi 10i 0
D PxMsgId 10a Const
D PxMsgF 10a Const
D PxMsgFlib 10a Const
D PxMsgDta 512a Const Varying
C CallP SndPgmMsg( PxMsgId
C : PxMsgF + PxMsgFlib
C : PxMsgDta
C : %Len( PxMsgDta )
C : '*COMP'
C : 1
C : MsgKey
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C Return 0
C Else
C Return -1
C EndIf
P SndCmpMsg E
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
Output Distribution : Retreive Last Spoolfile# for job.
* -- Fields...
d #of@entry s inz like(binary@9)
d #of@keys s inz like(binary@9)
d binary@9 s 9b 0 inz
d blank@10 s 10a inz
d blank@20 s 20a inz
d ccyymmdd s d datfmt(*iso)
d curr@job s 26a inz
d dtl@data s 1000a inz
d format s 8a inz
d lib@pgm s 21a inz
d no c *off
d selected s inz like(*in01)
d start@pos s inz like(binary@9)
d us@extatr s 10a inz('quslspl')
d us@initsiz s inz(2000) like(binary@9)
d us@initval s 1a inz
d us@pubauth s 10a inz('*ALL')
d us@desc s 50a inz('OD@RTVSP# Temporary User Space')
d us@replace s 10a inz('*YES')
d usrspc@len s inz like(binary@9)
d x s 9b 0 inz
d y s 9b 0 inz
d z s 9b 0 inz
d yes c *on
* -- Data Structures....
d holdInfo ds
d hold@job 10a inz
d hold@user 10a inz
d hold@job# 6a inz
d hold@prtf 10a inz
d hold@splf# 4s 0 inz
d hold@sts 10a inz
* ---- Character/Numeric conversion...
d character ds
d numeric 1 4b 0 inz
* ---- User Space Name...
d user@space ds
d usrspc@nam 10a inz('OD@RTVSPF#')
d usrspc@lib 10a inz('QTEMP')
* ---- Requested Spooled File keys...
d splf@keys ds
d splf@key1 1 4b 0 inz(201)
d splf@key2 5 8b 0 inz(202)
d splf@key3 9 12b 0 inz(203)
d splf@key4 13 16b 0 inz(204)
d splf@key5 17 20b 0 inz(205)
d splf@key6 21 24b 0 inz(210)
* ---- Edit API Error Data Structure...
d api@err@ds ds inz
d bytes@rsvd 1 4b 0 inz(%size(api@err@ds))
d bytes@aval 5 8b 0 inz
d api@msgid# 9 15a inz
d api@rsvrd 16 16a inz
d api@errmsg 17 116a inz
* -- Indicators...
d ind@ptr s * inz(%addr(*in))
d ds based(ind@ptr)
d indicators 99
* ---- 01 - 29 : Functions Key indicators...
* ---- 30 - 39 : Random indicators...
* ---- 40 - 49 : Subfile indicators...
* ---- 50 - 89 : Error indicators...
* ---- 90 - 99 : File/Array/Scan indicators..
d recnotfnd 1 overlay(indicators:90)
d endoffile 1 overlay(indicators:99)
* -- Program parameters...
d pgm@parms ds
d out@job 10a
d out@user 10a
d out@job# 6a
d out@prtf 10a
d out@splf# 4s 0
* -- API QUSLSPL data strucure...
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,quslspl
* -- Common User Space data strucure...
/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusgen
* -- Create User Space API...
c call 'QUSCRTUS'
c parm user@space
c parm us@extatr
c parm us@initsiz
c parm us@initval
c parm us@pubauth
c parm us@desc
c parm us@replace
c parm api@err@ds
* -- List out Job Spooled Files...
c call 'QUSLSPL'
c parm user@space
c parm 'SPLF0200' format
c parm blank@10
c parm blank@20
c parm blank@10
c parm blank@10
c parm api@err@ds
c parm '*' curr@job
c parm splf@keys
c parm 6 #of@keys
* ---- Retrieve User Space Header contents...
c call 'QUSRTVUS'
c parm user@space
c parm 1 start@pos
c parm 192 usrspc@len
c parm qush0100
c parm api@err@ds
* -- Check User Space status for good data...
* ---- Header Format...
c if (qussrl = '0100')
* ---- 'C'omplete or 'P'artial...
c and ((qusis = 'C') or (qusis = 'P'))
* ---- Number of List Entries in User Space is greater than 0..
c and (qusnbrle > 0)
c exsr @retrieve
* ---- If value of HOLD@STS is not *FINISHED, then return SPLF#.
c if hold@sts <> '*FINISHED'
c eval out@job = hold@job
c eval out@user = hold@user
c eval out@job# = hold@job#
c eval out@prtf = hold@prtf
c eval out@splf# = hold@splf#
c endif
c endif
c eval *inlr = *on
* Sub-routine : @retrieve *
c @retrieve begsr
* -- Maintain the number of List Entrees...
c eval #of@entry = 0
c eval x = qusnbrle
c do qusnbrle
c eval x = x - 1
* -- Adjust the Offset value to *Last Spoolfile value...
c eval start@pos = qusold + 1 +
c (x * qussee)
c clear holdInfo
* -- Retrieve the lesser of allocated storage or available data..
c eval usrspc@len = 1000
c if qussee < 1000
c eval usrspc@len = qussee
c endif
* ---- Retrieve User Space Detail contents...
c call 'QUSRTVUS'
c parm user@space
c parm start@pos
c parm usrspc@len
c parm dtl@data
c parm api@err@ds
* ---- Loop Through returned data...
c eval qusf0200 = %subst(dtl@data:1:4)
c eval z = 5
c do qusnbrfr00
* ------ Retrieve header information...
c eval qussplki = %subst(dtl@data:z:16)
* ------ Set Y to location of actual data associated with key...
c eval y = z + 16
c select
c when quskfffr00 = 201
c eval hold@prtf = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c when quskfffr00 = 202
c eval hold@job = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c when quskfffr00 = 203
c eval hold@user = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c when quskfffr00 = 204
c eval hold@job# = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c when quskfffr00 = 205
c eval character = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c eval hold@splf# = numeric
c when quskfffr00 = 210
c eval hold@sts = %subst(dtl@data:y:qusdl02)
c endsl
* ------ Adjust Z to address next keyed record returned...
c eval z = z + quslfir02
c enddo
* -------- If the status of the report comes back not *FINISHED
* (written or deleted) then exit do-loop..
c if hold@sts <> '*FINISHED'
c leave
c endif
c enddo
c endsr
* Sub-routine : *inzsr *
c *inzsr begsr
c *entry plist
c parm pgm@parms
c eval out@splf# = 0
c endsr
Thanks to David L Mosley, Jr.
Set profile exit program & Retrieve profile exit program
/* Description : Set profile exit program command */
/* Program function: SETPRFEXIT command processing program */
/* */
/* Program summary */
/* --------------- */
/* Work management APIs: */
/* QWTSETPX Set profile exit Sets for a user profile */
/* program the exit program to call */
/* defined by the specified */
/* format and the values of */
/* the exit flags. */
/* */
/* QWTRTVPX Retrieve profile Retrieves the values of */
/* exit program the exit flags currently */
/* set for the user profile */
/* and the exit point format */
/* specified. */
/* */
/* Programmer's notes: */
/* Currently supported by the profile exit APIs are the */
/* preattention and presystem request exit points */
/* Both are managed through either the WRKREGINF facility */
/* or the ADDEXITPGM and RMVEXITPGM commands. */
/* */
/* */
/* Compile options: */
/* CrtClPgm Pgm( CBX107 ) */
/* SrcFile( QCLSRC ) */
/* SrcMbr( *PGM ) */
/* */
Pgm ( &UsrPrf +
&XitFmt +
&XitOpt +
/*-- Parameters: ---------------------------------------------------*/
Dcl &UsrPrf *Char 10
Dcl &XitFmt *Char 8
Dcl &XitOpt *Char 34
Dcl &PgmNbr *Char 4 x'00000008'
Dcl &Flags *Char 32
/*-- Global error monitoring: --------------------------------------*/
MonMsg CPF0000 *N GoTo Error
RtvUsrPrf &UsrPrf RtnUsrPrf( &UsrPrf )
ChgVar &Flags %Sst( &XitOpt 3 32 )
Call QWTSETPX ( &PgmNbr +
&Flags +
&XitFmt +
&UsrPrf +
x'00000000' +
SndPgmMsg Msg( 'Profile exit programs have been set.' ) +
MsgType( *COMP )
/*-- Error handling: -----------------------------------------------*/
Call QMHMOVPM ( ' ' +
'*DIAG' +
x'00000001' +
x'00000001' +
x'0000000800000000' +
Call QMHRSNEM ( ' ' +
x'0000000800000000' +
/* */
/* Program function: SETPRFEXIT prompt override program */
/* */
/* */
/* Parameters: */
/* CmdNamQ INPUT Qualified command name */
/* */
/* KeyPrm1 INPUT Key parameter indentifying the */
/* user profile to retrieve exit */
/* point information about. */
/* */
/* KeyPrm2 INPUT Key parameter identifying the */
/* format name of the exit point */
/* to retrieve information about. */
/* */
/* CmdStr OUTPUT The formatted command prompt */
/* string returning the current */
/* activation status of the exit */
/* point's registered programs. */
/* */
/* */
/* Compile options: */
/* CrtClPgm Pgm( CBX107O ) */
/* SrcFile( QCLSRC ) */
/* SrcMbr( *PGM ) */
/* */
/* */
Pgm ( &CmdNamQ +
&KeyPrm1 +
&KeyPrm2 +
&CmdStr +
/*-- Parameters: ---------------------------------------------------*/
Dcl &CmdNamQ *Char 20
Dcl &KeyPrm1 *Char 10
Dcl &KeyPrm2 *Char 8
Dcl &CmdStr *Char 1024
Dcl &RcvVar *Char 40
Dcl &RcvLen *Char 4 x'00000028'
Dcl &Flags *Char 32
Dcl &Value *Char 4
Dcl &PgmFlg *Dec 9
Dcl &NbrEnt *Dec 5
Dcl &OffSet *Dec 5 1
/*-- Global error monitoring: --------------------------------------*/
MonMsg CPF0000 *N GoTo Error
Call QWTRTVPX ( &RcvVar +
&RcvLen +
&KeyPrm2 +
&KeyPrm1 +
x'00000000' )
ChgVar &NbrEnt %Bin( &RcvVar 1 4 )
ChgVar &Flags %Sst( &RcvVar 9 32 )
ChgVar %Sst( &CmdStr 1 2 ) x'0040'
ChgVar %Sst( &CmdStr 3 10 ) '?#EXITPGM('
ChgVar &PgmFlg %Bin( &Flags &OffSet 4 )
If ( &PgmFlg = 1 ) ChgVar &Value '*ON '
Else ChgVar &Value '*OFF'
ChgVar &CmdStr ( &CmdStr *Bcat &Value )
ChgVar &OffSet ( &OffSet + 4 )
If ( &OffSet < &NbrEnt * 4 ) Do
GoTo Next
ChgVar &CmdStr ( &CmdStr *Bcat ')' )
/*-- Error handling: -----------------------------------------------*/
SndPgmMsg MsgId( CPF0011 ) MsgF( QCPFMSG ) MsgType( *ESCAPE )
Pls note: '?#EXITPGM(' .... '#' neeeds to be changed to '<'
.* Compile options:
.* CrtPnlGrp PnlGrp( CBX107P )
.* SrcFile( QPNLSRC )
.* SrcMbr( *PNLGRP )
Set Profile Exit Program - Help
The Set Profile Exit command (SETPRFEXIT) activates or deactivates for
the specified user profile, the exit program(s) registered for the exit
point defined by the format parameter.
The current setting is retrieved for the specified user profile if the
command is prompted prior to execution.
User profile (USRPRF) - Help
:XH3.User profile (USRPRF)
Specifies the name of the user profile whose exit program setting you
want to change.
The possible values are:
The name of the user profile that you want to change the profile exit
program setting for.
The user profile that is currently running is used.
Exit program format (FORMAT) - Help
:XH3.Exit program format (FORMAT)
The format name defines the specific exit program setting to change.
The possible values are:
The presystem request program exit point setting is changed for the
specified user profile.
The preattention program exit point setting is changed for the
specified user profile.
Exit program option (EXITPGM) - Help
:XH3.Exit program option (EXITPGM)
Specifies for the registered exit point programs in the order 1 to 8
if the corresponding exit program should be activated, deactivated or
have it's current setting remain unchanged.
The possible values are:
The current setting remains unchanged for corresponding exit program.
The corresponding exit program is activated for the specified user
The corresponding exit program is deactivated for the specified user
/* */
/* Compile options: */
/* */
/* CrtCmd Cmd( SETPRFEXIT ) */
/* Pgm( CBX107 ) */
/* SrcMbr( CBX107X ) */
/* HlpPnlGrp( CBX107P ) */
/* HlpId( *CMD ) */
/* PmtOvrPgm( CBX107O ) */
/* */
Cmd Prompt( 'Set Profile Exit Program' )
Parm USRPRF *Name +
Min( 1 ) +
SpcVal(( *CURRENT )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Keyparm( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'User profile' )
Parm FORMAT *Char 8 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SYSRQS ) +
SpcVal(( *SYSRQS SREQ0100 ) +
( *ATTN ATTN0100 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Keyparm( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Exit program format' )
Parm EXITPGM E0001 +
Prompt( 'Exit program option' )
E0001: Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 1' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr(*YES) +
Prompt( 'Program 2' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 3' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 4' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 5' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 6' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 7' )
Elem *INT4 +
Rstd( *YES ) +
Dft( *SAME ) +
SpcVal(( *ON 1 ) ( *OFF 0 ) ( *SAME -1 )) +
Expr( *YES ) +
Prompt( 'Program 8' )
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
List signed on users
**-- Program description: ----------------------------------------------**
** This program will return the number of physical devices that a given
** privileged user profile - user class greater than *USER - is signed
** on to. The user profile name is provided in the first parameter and
** two special values are accepted:
** *JOBUSR - the user profile that started the current job.
** *CURUSR - the user profile currently registered as job user.
** The number of currently signed on devices for the specified user
** profile is returned in the second parameter. If the specified user
** profile has user class *USER, zero is returned. The user class
** condition can simply be removed in the event that all users are to
** be checked.
** Note that certain clients - like Citrix - actually runs on a central
** server, only the screen is sent to the work station. In this case
** the server's IP address will be detected by this program and only
** counted as one and the same work station, regardless of the actual
** number of PC's connected to the server by the specified user profile.
**-- Compilation specification: ----------------------------------------**
** CrtBndRpg Pgm( 'library'/CBX904 )
** SrcFile( 'library'/QRPGLESRC )
**-- Header: -----------------------------------------------------------**
H Option( *SrcStmt ) DftActGrp( *No )
**-- System information: -----------------------------------------------**
D PgmSts SDs
D PsPgmNam *Proc
D PsSts 5a Overlay( PgmSts: 11 )
D PsCurJob 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 244 )
D PsUsrPrf 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 254 )
D PsJobNbr 6a Overlay( PgmSts: 264 )
D PsCurUsr 10a Overlay( PgmSts: 358 )
**-- API error data structure: -----------------------------------------**
D ApiError Ds
D AeBytPrv 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
D AeBytAvl 10i 0
D AeExcpId 7a
D 1a
D AeExcpDta 128a
**-- User space generic header: ----------------------------------------**
D UsrSpcHdr Ds Based( pUsrSpc )
D UsOfsHdr 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 117 )
D UsOfsLst 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 125 )
D UsNumLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 133 )
D UsSizLstEnt 10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpcHdr: 137 )
**-- User space pointers: ----------------------------------------------**
D pUsrSpc s * Inz( *Null )
D pLstEnt s * Inz( *Null )
**-- Signed-on user information: ---------------------------------------**
D SGNU0100 Ds Based( pLstEnt )
D SuDspNam 10a
D SuUsrPrf 10a
D SuJobNbr 6a
D SuAct 10a
D SuActNam 10a
D SuDscJobAlw 1a
D 17a
**-- Global variables: -------------------------------------------------**
D UsrCls s 10a
D DevIpAdr s 15a
D DevIpLst s 15a Dim( 128 )
D CurIdx s 5u 0
D SchIdx s 5u 0
D Idx s 5u 0
**-- Create user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D CrtUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
D CsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D CsExtAtr 10a Const
D CsInzSiz 10i 0 Const
D CsInzVal 1a Const
D CsPubAut 10a Const
D CsText 50a Const
**-- Optional 1:
D CsReplace 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
D CsError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Optional 2:
D CsDomain 10a Const Options( *NoPass )
**-- Delete user space: -------------------------------------------------**
D DltUsrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
D DsSpcNamQ 20a Const
D DsError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve pointer to user space: ------------------------------------**
D RtvPtrSpc Pr ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
D RpSpcNamQ 20a Const
D RpPointer *
D RpError 32767a Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve user information: ----------------------------------------**
D RtvUsrInf Pr ExtPgm( 'QSYRUSRI' )
D RuRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RuRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RuFmtNam 10a Const
D RuUsrPrf 10a Const
D RuError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Retrieve device description: --------------------------------------**
D RtvDevDsc Pr ExtPgm( 'QDCRDEVD' )
D RdRcvVar 32767a Options( *VarSize )
D RdRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D RdFmtNam 10a Const
D RdDevNam 10a Const
D RdError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- List signed on users: ---------------------------------------------**
D LstSgnUsr Pr ExtPgm( 'QEZLSGNU' )
D LuUsrSpc 20a Const
D LuFmtNam 8a Const
D LuUsrNam 10a Const
D LuDspNam 10a Const
D LuIncDsc 10a Const
D LuIncSgo 10a Const
D LuError 32767a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Get user class: ---------------------------------------------------**
D GetUsrCls Pr 10a
D PxUsrPrf 10a Value
**-- Get device ip address: --------------------------------------------**
D GetDevIp Pr 15a
D PxDevNam 10a Value
**-- Parameters: -------------------------------------------------------**
D PxUsrPrf s 10a
D PxNbrDev s 5p 0
C *Entry Plist
C Parm PxUsrPrf
C Parm PxNbrDev
**-- Check user device assignment: -------------------------------------**
C Eval PxNbrDev = *Zero
C If PxUsrPrf = '*JOBUSR'
C Eval PxUsrPrf = PsUsrPrf
C ElseIf PxUsrPrf = '*CURUSR'
C Eval PxUsrPrf = PsCurUsr
C EndIf
C If GetUsrCls( PxUsrPrf ) <> '*USER'
C CallP CrtUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : *Blanks
C : 65535
C : x'00'
C : *Blanks
C : '*YES'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C CallP LstSgnUsr( UsrSpc
C : 'SGNU0100'
C : PxUsrPrf
C : '*ALL'
C : '*YES'
C : '*NO'
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl = *Zero
C CallP RtvPtrSpc( UsrSpc
C : pUsrSpc
C )
C Eval pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsOfsLst
C For Idx = 1 to UsNumLstEnt
C ExSr PrcLstEnt
C If Idx < UsNumLstEnt
C Eval pLstEnt = pLstEnt + UsSizLstEnt
C EndIf
C EndFor
C Eval PxNbrDev = CurIdx
C EndIf
C CallP DltUsrSpc( UsrSpc
C : ApiError
C )
C EndIf
C EndIf
C Eval *InLr = *On
C Return
**-- Process list entries: ---------------------------------------------**
C PrcLstEnt BegSr
C Eval DevIpAdr = GetDevIp( SuDspNam )
C If DevIpAdr = *Blanks
C Eval DevIpAdr = SuDspNam
C EndIf
C If CurIdx = *Zero
C Eval CurIdx = 1
C Eval DevIpLst( CurIdx ) = DevIpAdr
C Else
C Eval SchIdx = %Lookup( DevIpAdr
C : DevIpLst
C : 1
C : CurIdx
C )
C If SchIdx = *Zero
C If CurIdx < %Elem( DevIpLst )
C Eval CurIdx += 1
C Eval DevIpLst( CurIdx ) = DevIpAdr
C EndIf
C EndIf
C EndIf
C EndSr
**-- Get user class: ---------------------------------------------------**
P GetUsrCls B Export
D Pi 10a
D PxUsrPrf 10a Value
D RuInfo Ds
D RuBytRtn 10i 0
D RuBytAvl 10i 0
D RuUsrPrf 10a
D RuUsrCls 10a Overlay( RuInfo: 19 )
C CallP RtvUsrInf( RuInfo
C : %Size( RuInfo )
C : 'USRI0200'
C : PxUsrPrf
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Eval RuUsrCls = *Blanks
C EndIf
C Return RuUsrCls
P GetUsrCls E
**-- Get device ip address: --------------------------------------------**
P GetDevIp B Export
D Pi 15a
D PxDevNam 10a Value
D RdInfo Ds
D RdBytRtn 10i 0
D RdBytAvl 10i 0
D RdInfDat 7a
D RdInfTim 6a
D RdDevNam 10a
D RdDevCtg 10a
D RdIpAdr 15a Overlay( RdInfo: 878 )
C CallP RtvDevDsc( RdInfo
C : %Size( RdInfo )
C : 'DEVD0600'
C : PxDevNam
C : ApiError
C )
C If AeBytAvl > *Zero
C Eval RdIpAdr = *Blanks
C EndIf
C Return RdIpAdr
P GetDevIp E
Thanks to Carsten Flensburg
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